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Portrait of A Graduate

Portrait of A Graduate

Portrait of a bischop noland episcopal day school graduate: balance lifestyle, life-long learner,leadership, faith-centered life, service to others, enduring friendships, steward of the environment. Providing academic excellence to a diverse student body EDS graduates are high achieving life-long learners because each student is nurtured in an environment where learning is viewed as a journey.

EDS graduates know the value of a faith-centered life because they have prayed, worshiped, and used their time, talent, and treasure in service to others. 

EDS graduates utilize and develop their unique talents with confidence because they have been a part of a culture of leadership.

EDS graduates are making a difference in the wider world because they have learned to be stewards of the environment

EDS graduates maintain enduring friendships because small classes foster deeper relationships. 

EDS graduates craft a blueprint for a balanced lifestyle because they are taught the importance of wellness and nurturing the body, mind, and spirit.