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(must be five by Sept. 30th)

The kindergarten program offers an all-day five day a week program that ends at 3pm.  Families may choose the aftercare program from 3pm-5:30pm.

The Kindergarten program strives to promote a positive approach to learning. We believe that each child should have a good self-image and from the smiles and laughter we see, the program works. Social growth, as well as academic development, is emphasized in our program.

Superkids is a comprehensive reading, language arts program. It contains and correlates reading, handwriting, auditory and oral language skills for children who do not know how to read or write. Many of our PreK 4 students come to kindergarten with beginning reading skills. These children are offered more advanced reading opportunities. The Kindergarten child reviews the letter names, sounds and how to write the letters, what sounds the letters represent, and what function the letters serve as their sounds are blended to form words. They read independently many supplementary readers. This series is a multi-sensory program of visual, kinesthetic, and auditory activities which meets the needs of the beginning student. Above all, this reading program produces in the beginning or intermediate student a high degree of involvement and motivation, which is so vital for success at this early stage of learning.

Sadlier-Oxford Progress in Mathematics and the Math Calendar Book are used in our math program. The children will learn to write the numbers 0-31, and the numbers 31-100 are introduced. The students will count to 100 by ones, fives, and tens, add, subtract, begin fraction concepts, graph, estimate, and identify solid and plane shapes. Other concepts introduced include measurement, time, money and its value, comparison, and patterns. Manipulatives are an important method of introducing and reinforcing mathematical concepts utilizing concrete experiences before abstract experiences. Technology is incorporated through an interactive Promethean flipchart corresponding to each lesson. Differentiated instruction is incorporated into each math lesson to meet the needs of all the children.

Social Studies is an exciting concept for children at this age. Each month students will study a continent, a habitat, animals, and the indigenous cultures that occupy it. These cultures will be compared to our own to identify similarities and differences.

Each morning we spend time in circle or group time. This is an important time for each child to feel comfortable sharing experiences with his/her peers, sharing books or just waking up! During circle time, the children discuss the calendar, months of the year, days of the week, and the weather (which we graph). The children recite The Pledge of Allegiance. This is also a chance to sing together, have dramatic play, and just a chance to relax and begin the day in a pleasant way.

The Kindergarten religion program introduces a Bible lesson during Chapel time once a week. The Bible story is retold during the week to reinforce it, and personal applications are made. Students recite the Lord’s Prayer daily. To assist the children in character building and community awareness several projects addressing community needs become important teaching tools. Projects have included collecting socks, stuffed animals, and canned goods for needy.

Afternoons in Kindergarten include structured center time. Centers incorporate reading and mathematical concepts being studied as a means to reinforce concepts. The centers also emphasize the use of fine motor skills through cutting, gluing and coloring. The objective of the centers is to make learning a fun and successful experience in an unstructured environment.

Each month we study famous inventors and their accomplishments. The culmination activity of this unit is the Kindergarten Invention Convention where the students present their own invention. Science activities may vary from providing habitats for ants, chicks, and other multi-sensory science experiences throughout the year.

Artists and music are also explored each month during our continent study. The students experiment with multimedia in order to create interpretations of these artists’ work. Music and dance are also explored and practiced.

The children participate in Physical Education, Music, Library, Computer, Spanish and Art. Through these varied experiences the children gain confidence and poise. This is continually expressed in the children’s journaling, which allows each child to use developmental writing and vocabulary skills when creating stories.

The Kindergarten program emphasizes the “total” development of the child. Each child needs social growth, as well as academic growth. Our objective is to allow the child to learn to his/her greatest capabilities. We strive to provide a positive and healthy atmosphere in order to promote this learning experience.